A Sustainable Coffee Day!

This one’s for our coffee lovers and enthusiasts! Today is one of those many splendid annual events, where we’re beyond excited to toast to Coffee Day with our hot cup of coffee! Whether it's national or international, we’ll be here to celebrate the occasion. People from all around the world will also raise their mugs in honor of this global event, and we couldn't be more thrilled to join in on the fun.

Whether you're a fan of strong espresso or a creamy latte, there's no denying that coffee holds a special place in our hearts and mornings. From the moment we hear the satisfying sound of the beans being ground to the invigorating aroma that fills our kitchens, coffee is more than just a beverage, it's a lifestyle!

Due to the nature of our Garblog (pun intended), this week is all about highlighting the importance of supporting sustainable coffee farming practices and raising awareness of the consequences of the bad practices from unethical related businesses. 

According to the statistics, in the United States alone, the average consumer has about 3 cups per day. We’re talking about more than half of the adult population, resulting in approximately 150 million daily coffee drinkers, which in turn consume around 146 billion cups of coffee over the span of a year. Crazy numbers, right? Of course, this represents a major impact on the environment and communities that need to get checked. 

Here are three correlated reasons why:


  • Forests make up approximately one-third of the world's land, yet 10 million hectares are lost each year, with Africa and South America being the main regions where coffee is sun-grown, an unsustainable method for the environment that depletes soil nutrients and leads to abandonment of plantations and clearance of yet more forest areas;
  • Growing coffee requires a significant amount of water, with sun-grown coffee using up vast amounts during the growing process. An estimated 170 liters of water are required to produce a single cup of coffee. With water shortages already a pressing issue and predicted to worsen with climate change, there is an urgent need for more sustainable methods;
  • The coffee production process involves multiple stages, from cultivation to distribution, making it vulnerable to unethical labor practices. Coffee farmers work long hours under extreme conditions, yet may receive only 1% to 3% of the retail price.

It’s clear that sustainability should be integrated throughout the entire supply chain process, from sustainable cultivation and harvesting to green distribution and ethical purchasing.

In order to do this, we must promote organic farming practices and methods that use only natural fertilizers and avoid the use of synthetic pesticides. Encourage shade-grown coffee that preserves the environment and protects biodiversity. As for the average consumer, it’s crucial that we support fair-trade coffee companies and avoid using disposable coffee cups, opting for reusable cups instead!

By adopting sustainable solutions, we can ensure that coffee production and consumption are responsible, ethical, and environmentally friendly. It is time to take concrete steps to support sustainable coffee practices and ensure that the coffee industry supports the well-being of both people and the planet!

Happy Coffee Day!

We’ll see you next week!